Friday, October 30, 2009


(Even though not too many read my blog!)
Jim was diagnosed with kidney cancer on June 14, 2009; a month later he is told he has cancer in his lungs. This is a slow moving type. Three months later (after our vacation in IL/WI - last two weeks in August) the bleeding and pain returns from the mass in Jim's right kidney. He took 11 treatments of radiation - seven minutes each and the bleeding and pain were gone after the second treatment. But now the side-effects are lose of taste and no appetite (he has meds for) and he is determined not to take the cancer med "sutent. He is very weak and continues to lose weight - so far 60 pounds. Once he's down to 170 we will have to be real careful not to lose anymore - all up to him - and I do everything to tempt him with all sorts of foods. But he has one more week for the radiation to wear off and I pray he'll be pigging out and gaining some weight back (not too much though.) I'm helping him with his coat on and off and he's so weak, he stumbles easily. (I pray God will make it all go away and his strength is back SOON.) We certainly appreciate all of your prayers for both of us.

Brother David with diagnosed with cancer of the lungs which was found after seeing lesions on his brain. He is being treated with radiation for the brain for three weeks. They have been told that it is "a losing battle." Only God knows the effects all of our families are going through with this cancer in a brother and a brother-in-law. We've lost one sister way too young and a brother-in-law. We have the support and prayers of so many family members and friends which is a big encourage to our families.

"To God be the glory, great things He's has done," and He will continue to do!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


What wouldn't I do to have a good time? After Saturday night, I'm beginning to wonder. The "good time" cost me $5 (seniors) and the show was "Thunder in the Valley" at Naugatuck High School's football field.
We have lived in Naugatuck, CT for 22 plus years. Since the last kid left home, even before that, I started watching for "free" (usually) concerts or activities. Most of them were on "the green" downtown during the summer months, but a few during the school year. There was even a piano series at the library, but now they are on Sunday or Wednesday night.
When I saw the signs for this "cheap" entertainment, I thought I would try to go. Let me explain that this was a high school marching band competition for 10-12 school bands in Connecticut. They were classified from one to five. Naugy High was class 3. The higher the class the bigger the band which was from Norwalk.
I enjoy band music very much and I couldn't believe the part that the zylophone played in the scheme of things. There were also dancing flags and twirling guns which was a distraction for me, because I was more interested in the playing and footwork of the band.
Now the "kicker" was that the temperature was in the forties and the bleechers were metal. I felt like an ice cube when I finally left after 3 hours which included 1 hour intermission (yikes!) I left after Naugy played. I thought I had dressed warm enough with sweater, velour jacket and 2 velour blankets for shoulders and legs, plus double skirts. I don't believe I moved once during those 3 hours but I was enthralled to listen to the bands. They had a military band "Windjammers" at the end, but I had heard them before and I left.